Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Birthday Weekend!

Hello, Loves!

This past weekend we celebrated my birthday. Birthday's are always a bit difficult for me. For as long as I remember my birthday always brings me anxiety, depression, and I kid you not- I always seem to get sick. 

I started September with anxiety and depression. I think about all the things that I didn't end up getting done in the last year. I just didn't feel very happy about my birthday. But I swear these kids just make me feel so loved. I couldn't help but have a wonderful birthday. So, instead of having the kids spend the night at their Mimi's for a romantic weekend getaway, we decided to bring them along and have a fun family birthday!

We got away for a 24hr mini-vaca! The kids were so excited to celebrate my birthday by being included in a little fun. We checked them out from school an hour early, stayed at a really nice hotel, rode a ferris wheel, got ice cream, and played uno all night. 

This might be one of my best birthday to date!

Do you have any family birthday traditions? What are they? 


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