Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tutorial-Homemade Mini Apple Pies

Hello loves,
This past weekend I made some cute little apple pies for a Halloween party. These mini pies are easy to make and taste amazing.

I like the idea of everyone having their own little individual pie.

This recipe makes around 20-25 little individual pie.


  • 12 Tablespoons of flour
  • 1 1/2 cup of Sugar
  • 4 heaping spoons of Cinnamon
  • 8 medium/larger apples
  • 2 boxes of pie crust
  • 4 table spoons of unsalted chilled butter
  • Unstick Spray
  • Set oven 400 degrees and bake for 18-20 minutes
Step 1: The first thing I did was cut out the pie crusts for the cupcake/muffin tin. Some might need an exact measured circle. I used a red solo cup and flipped it upside down. It seemed to work perfect for my size pan. 

Tip: I pulled the pre-made pie crust out of the fridge and started to try and unroll it. Of course it cracked. So I just pressed into a ball and rolled out again. If I remake these, I would allow the pie crust to come to room temp. in order to save a little time. 

Also, before adding the pie crust to the tin, SPRAY THE CRAP out of the pan with non-stick spray. I just used a butter generic nonstick. I didn't want to make these and them not pop out when done. 

Step 2: I peeled the apples, and diced them up. I then added the flour, sugar, and cinnamon. Mix around. 

Tip: Dice the apples fairly small, the bigger the chunks, the less amount of pieces you can put in the pie crust. 

Step 3: Fill your little pie crusts to the top with the apple mixture, and then top with a few little pieces of the chilled butter.

Tip: When I first got all my stuff out to start making the pies, I just threw a stick of butter into the freezer, then it was pretty chilled by the time I was ready to use.

Step 4: This is totally optional. I just created little lattices for atop the pie's. I have seen other recipes where they just cut out a leaf shape. I then melted a little butter and brushed the tops. Then bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.

Below is the final product. These babies are just enough to get the sweet craving to stop, without eating an entire slice of pie. 

If you try them, please let me know how they turned out! I would love to read the comments and see pictures.

Also, if you want a video tutorial, please just let me know and I would be happy to make one.

Until next time, loves!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy 3 yrs to my baby, Gemma!!

Hello Loves,

Today marks 3 years ago I bought my baby, Gemma. I was lonely and had just gone through a horrible divorce when I knew I wanted something to take care of and to love, who loved me back.

I was looking at Craigslist and saw an ad posted for a pure breed Shih-Tzu which was only $100. I called and picked her up within 30 minutes at a shoddy Mcdonald's parking lot.

I was watching Sons of Anarchy at the time. For those of you who watched the show there is a character who is the mom of the biker gang. She is one bad lady, and strong, and doesn't give a crap, and loves her family. Her name was Gemma.

Therefore, I thought I am going to name this little peanut, Gemma. Here are a couple pictures I have taken over the last 3 years.

She is my everything. I worry about her like I worry about myself. Call me obsessed, call me strange, or stupid. Truth is I wouldn't trade her for a million dollars. #truth

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Halloween DIY- Spooky Candle Sticks

Hello my loves,
I usually let the kids reek havoc on the outside of our house during the holiday's, however the inside of the house I like to make the decorations a little more reasonable. I found this project on pinterest and loved the spooky way it looked without being too gaudy looking (my opinion- of course)

Overall it took me maybe 20 minutes to make them. The total project cost me about $35 due to buying candle sticks I loved, and the pack of paper.

Things needed: 
-Candle sticks
-Empty Glass Ornaments
-Transfer Print outs
-Hot glue

Please let me know what you think. Would love any feedback.

Until next time, loves,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Easy Hair Braid Tutorial

Hello Ladies,

This past week the weather hit in the 70's and I am beyond thrilled. This is the type of temp. my hair actually does what I want it to. HA! Seriously, it's awful down in the south when the humidity is 100% every single day. My hair is like a limp straw! No joke!

My hair is quite long and I want to get my hair out of my face, while still leaving most of it down. This is what I ended up doing, and believe me; if I can do it, I am completely sure anyone can.

Let me know what you think. I can also video a tutorial if that would help. Just let me know, loves.

Please let me know what y'all think :)

Blessings, loves.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Secret Club- Enter if you dare!

This topic has taken me some time to muster up the courage to talk about..dun...dun...dun..The Secret Club (evil laugh). I feel like a rebel spilling the secrets no one dare talk about. It sounds wonderful doesn't it? Something so elite people whisper about it in hush tones. When searching the internet you find the club vaguely written about it. What special club is this you ask? Could it be the perfect ten club, or maybe the secret to weight-loss club? Nah, even more top secret. 

    Welcome to the Step-girlfriends/boyfriends, Step-fiance, stepmother/stepfather club        <please, insert sarcasm here>.

Enough with my sarcastic introduction. The divorce rate according to lists 40% of couples with children divorcing. To put that in perspective out of 100 couples 40 of those couples with children divorce. Another site says 50% of all children will witness the divorce of there parents.

1.5 million babies are born out of wedlock. 750,000 teen pregnancies a year.

As a result, many of these children will have other people in their lives to help raise them besides their biological mother and biological father. With the statistics listed above it is absolutely astonishing to me there are not more support groups, and help available for those of us without children who date, become engaged, and marry those who do.

Call us naive, call us stupid, or unrealistic. Call us dreamers, or suckers. The simple fact of the matter is this...We ( meaning us non-children people) are looking for love. Given the statistic's many of the single people do in fact have children. I know, I know, MIND BLOWN!

When I started dating it was rare to find a guy who didn't have kids. I remember family members asking me if I really wanted to date a guy with kids because of how draining they heard it was. In my mind I'm thinking do they not understand how many people actually have kids? And the older you are, the more likely it is for the guys to have kids.

After dating for some time, I met R, I remember thinking to myself he is sweet, funny, and a great dad. As the days turned into weeks, we decided to wait to introduce me to the kids until we were both serious enough for the relationship to last. While it was an absolute wonderful gesture for the kids, it was also a bit deceiving for me. So I was basically dating a man who we would go out and be like a normal couple with no children for close to 3 months before I even met the kids. We would go on the town, go out to eat, watch tv, go to the movies. R has 3 all under 13, and at the time he had joint custody. I went into the relationship heart open, excited, and feeling confident I could handle anything thrown my way. Seriously, I love kids. I knew I loved R, so how hard could this step-whatever you want to call me really be? Boy-oh-Boy, have I been on a wild ride ever since.

It's been close to 3 years and those who are not in this elite club would think it gets easier, I am here to tell you that in some ways it does get easier, and in other ways it gets much much harder.

Once a week I will write my stories, thoughts, and struggles on my blog. I am also hoping I am not the only one feeling alone in this scenario and would love to start a support group of sorts for all of us to come share stores, talk, and provide advice, and a shoulder to cry on.

Happy Stepping, my loves,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fall Shows-Who's excited!!!

Hello, Loves!

Y'all I am so stinking excited for a couple of my shows to start back up for Fall. I don't usually watch much TV, but the shows I watch I try my hardest not to miss.

My top 2 shows that are starting!!!!!!!!

  • How to get away with murder
    • Channel: ABC
    • Day/Time: Thursday's @ 9pm CST
    • Premiere Date: 9/24/15
    • Read all about it: Click here

  • The Big Bang Theory
    • Channel: CBS
    • Day/Time: Monday's @ 7cst
    • Premiere Date: 9/21/15
    • Read all about it: Click here

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Flower Crown and Lipstick

Hello, Loves!
Summer is leaving us fast, and although I am so excited for Fall, I am trying to squeeze in all I can of Summer before it's too late. A few of my favorite things as of lately, are the flower crown, crazy sunglasses, & Maybelline Colorblur in the shade #05 Pink Insanity (Wal-Mart Retail $7.73).

What first got my attention was the color. It's a hot pink shade - pretty hard to miss. I liked that it had a matte finish and was curious about the weird looking rubber thing on the other end. Don't be thinking dirty, ladies. Ha! The instructions say you are suppose to place the lipstick in the center of your lips and blur out using the rubber tool. Truthfully, I did not see any sort of "blur", or difference from putting it on your lips the same old way us ladies have been putting it on.

Nevertheless, the color and matte finish is gorgeous and I am in love when doing a simple eye and with bold lips.

And well, the flower crown is just a bit of fun.

What are your summer staples you are holding on to until Fall officially arrives? I would love to hear them. I cannot be the only one, right?

Until next time, beautiful souls!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In Honor of Leslie Sisti

Ever have those moments where your heart drops and you know this is a game changing moment? I was at work this afternoon when I get a few minutes to cruise my favorite blogs to see if anything new has been posted.

This afternoon I discovered someone who I looked up to and aspired to be from afar has gone to heaven....

When I first considered starting a blog, Mrs. Leslie was one of the bloggers I loved to read and loved the way she made you feel like her best friend, even if she didn't know you personally...

I remember every Friday for years waking up and finding a reason to see if she posted Confessional Friday because I just loved her jokes, witty humor, and sweet southern charm.

I remember when Leslie had baby Caroline, and then sweet Ainsley a little more then 6 months ago. From her posts you could just tell motherhood, and being the best wife to her love Stephen was her #1 priority. Through her writing, you could tell how loved every member of her family was by her.

Leslie, you will be greatly missed and the world got little dark now that you are in heaven. You were one of those bright souls that made everything you touched shine, and made everyones day brighter by just being you.

May you rest in the hands of God and know your daughters and Stephen will never forget you. We (the blogger community, friends) will never forget you.

If you would like to make a donation to help support her daughters and Stephen, please find the link here...

You were taken much to soon.... We love you, Leslie!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dare to Dream Pallet- Disney Princess- Ariel

Hello Beauties!

I was at Walgreens when I noticed some really neat pallets based on Disney Princess's. I could possibly be late to the game, but these are adorable! The ones at the local store only had Ariel in stock, so I went ahead and grabbed them.

The Ariel Lipgloss set was only $5 and the face set was only $10. Below are pictures and how I used the makeup.

Let me know if ya'll want to see a tutorial!!! I would love to do one for you.

Have you tried the make-up sets? Thoughts?

Dare to Dream Make-up set only $10 available at Walgreens

I used the lip set in the hot pink gloss and lipstick, and used most of the eyeshadows to create this look.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lemon Water-What is it good for? Absolutely everything!!!

I've been trying to incorporate some good habits into my daily routine. I have come across a recent trend with lemon water. Have you heard of it? Do you drink lemon water? I'd love to hear your stories.

I went to the store and got myself a bag of lemons, and brought the entire bag to work. I figured I would drink lemon water at work instead of my usual coffee throughout the day. The first time I tried lemon water I think I put too much lemon in the water because it was so sour I would barely drink it- note to self! haha! 

From what I have researched lemon water first thing in the morning has some great health benefits: 
  1. Helps with weight loss
  2. Aids in digestion
  3. Boosts your immune system
Those are just 3 of the many ways lemons seem to be a hidden super fruit. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Review: E.L.F Cosmetics

Hello, beauties!
I have been looking at ways to control my budget when it comes to buying make-up. I decided to go out and find some great quality but most importantly, budget friendly products.  I was at the store the other day and ran across some e.l.f cosmetics.

My initial reaction was the packaging looked cute but, eye shadow and lipstick for $3? Let's get real. How good could the products possibly be...

To my surprise the products I purchased were good with pigments, feel, and long lasting. I would try some of their other products again.

Have you tried any? If so, did you feel it was worth it?

The Matte Lip Color is amazing. I love the true to color and rich pigments. The color stays on just as long as any of the mid-class lipsticks I have purchased and the glide is creamy. I would buy these again.

 The colors above top to bottom are: Nearly Nude, Tea Rose, Praline

Above you can see me wearing a combination of Praline & Nearly Nude.

If you are looking for a cheaper, but still has a great quality Matte lipstick please try this brand. I will have a review on two eye shadows I purchased along with a couple different eye looks coming soon.

Stay sweet my friends,
Autumn xoxo
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